Christ Jesus Came into the world to save sinners

- The Bible

Frequently Asked Questions

 What do you believe about the Bible?

We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God in its entirety. As such it is applicable and completely trustworthy to all matters with regard to historical content, doctrine, salvation, practical Christian living, and prophecy. See 2 Timothy 3:16. We believe the Bible is to be literally interpreted unless a symbolic meaning is obvious. We believe a dispensational viewpoint of Scripture properly explains the various ways that God has dealt with mankind over the past and also provides a proper framework to the interpretation of prophecy.

What do you believe about Jesus?

We believe that Jesus was God manifest in the flesh and that he was both fully human and fully God. Virgin born, he lived a life apart from sin, and died at Calvary to make atonement for the sins of mankind. On the third day he bodily rose from the dead. Presently he intercedes in heaven for believers. Acts 4:12, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Why don’t you have a denominational affiliation?

All true believers are unified in the body of Christ. Denominations segregate and divide. 1 Corinthians 1:12 and 13 speak against man-made divisions, “Now I say this, that each of you says, ‘I am of Paul,’ or ‘I am of Apollos,’ or ‘I am of Cephas,’ or ‘I am of Christ.’  Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?” We prefer to be simply known as Christians or believers.

What form of Church government do you practice?

According to the New Testament pattern, each local body of believers was autonomous. Christ is the head of the Church alone. Also the early churches had a plurality of elders who as under-shepherds had the responsibility to oversee the local gathering, teach the Word, and guard against false doctrine.

One-man authority such as might be invested in a “Pastor” is not the biblical pattern for the Church. We believe the Bible teaches that a pastor is a gift given to a believer not an office of the local church.

Why don’t you have church membership?

Church membership is not taught in the New Testament. Fellowship is. All true believers who comprise the body of Christ belong in a fellowship with other local believers. However, if a believer lives in sin, he is to be put out of fellowship until genuine repentance has been demonstrated. Church discipline is for the purpose of restoration.

Why don’t you have a pastor who does all the teaching?

We believe the scriptural pattern is for a plurality of elders or other gifted men to teach the word. The early New Testament churches were patterned in part after the Jewish synagogues where different able men were encouraged to read a passage of scripture and comment.

Why do you have communion on a weekly basis?

The early church often met together to break bread and partake of the cup. This they did from house to house. According to Acts 20:7 the disciples met together to break bread upon the first day of the week.

 Why do you only take an offering on Sunday Morning?

We believe the Lord’s work should be supported by believers only. The remembrance or breaking of bread meeting is for believers who are walking in honor to the Lord and in fellowship with other believers. This is the only meeting in which an offering is taken. An example of refusing money from an unbeliever is found in Acts 8:18-21.

Why do the women wear a head covering?

When believers meet together for the purpose of worship, prayer, or teaching the Lord is present (Matthew 18:20). Only one glory should be seen. Competing glories should be covered. The woman is the glory of the man, and the woman’s hair which is her own glory should be covered. The man, who is the image of God and represents the glory God, does not cover his head. We believe this is the teaching of 1 Corinthians 11 verses 3 through 16 and that this passage is timeless for all churches and not limited to the situation in the church at Corinth at the time.

Why don’t the women speak in a church meeting?

Scripture is clear on the point that women are to be silent in the church. Verses that say this are: 1 Corinthians 14:34 and 1 Timothy 2:11-12.

 Why don’t you use contemporary music?

Often the words of contemporary music are shallow in biblical meaning. Any music, or performance thereof, that appeals to the flesh, or is for the purpose of entertainment distracts from true worship or genuine appreciation of the Lord. This is not to say that all new music is inappropriate. Some new hymns are true to the word and God honoring.